

《老外看东西》是有道原创英文脱口秀,每期十分钟,带你涨姿势!美国同性恋合法结婚已经通过一段时间了!不知有多少对同性恋人已经幸福的步入婚姻殿堂了呢?然而你可知,脸书CEO扎克伯格,一个直男,与这件事又有什么千丝万缕的联系呢?(Celebrate Pride)同性恋中LGBT指什么?彩条旗为啥是同性恋的标志?本期统统讲给你听!



艾力 Ali




Our first term today is pride 我们今天要学习的第一个单词是“pride”(骄傲、尊严)

which is a noun denoting a feeling of deep satisfaction with one’s own achievements 这是个名词,它指的是某人对自己取得的成就所怀有的那种深深满足感

pride is also associated with people who are attracted to the same sex – gay people. “pride”也和那些同性相吸的人们——也就是同性恋有关联

so today we’re going to talk about Gay Pride. 言归正传,我们今天要讨论的是“Gay Pride”(同性恋自豪日)

It is an event where gays and lesbians get together and it’s a big parade.这指的是一个节日,在这天男女同性恋们会聚集在一起,举行盛大游行

Everyone is dressed up really nice. They’re just, you know, really proud of their sexuality. 而且每个人都很和善,他们以自己的性取向而感到骄傲

Right, now gay marriage is now a constitutional right in America.大家都知道,现在同性恋婚姻已经正式成为美国的一项宪法权利了

whichever state you’re in, if you want to marry another person of the same sex, you are now allowed to do so.不管你身在哪个州,现在你可以“随心所欲”地找个和你性别一样的人结婚啦

Now some people are still opposed to this whole ‘gay marriage thing’,现在有些人仍然在反对“同性婚姻”

and they think that the federal government should not have the right to decid.whether it’s the constitutional right and it should be up to the state instead.他们觉得联邦政府无权权决定,这属于宪法权利,还是只是加利福尼亚州的“内务”

Now, the White House has even changed its twitter picture to a picture of the White House covered by the Rainbow flag.然后白宫就将他们的推特图片改成染上彩虹旗颜色的白宫了,看起来是介样滴

but Mark Zuckerberg started an initiative on Facebook called “Celebrate Pride.which lets you do this with your photos 说到小马,他在脸谱网开创了一个称为“庆祝骄傲”的活动,用户可以用彩虹色来处理他们的照片

now people are celebrating this historic ruling by using the Rainbow flag.现在人们正通过彩虹旗来庆祝这个历史性的裁决

so what does LGBT stand for?你一直说什么LGBT,这啥意思?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transexual.这个词是女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者和变性者的首字母缩写

So what do the colors mean?那这些颜色又代表神马?

Life, Healing, Sunlight, Nature, Serenity and Spirit生命、健康、阳光、自然、宁静和精神



Well, a free spirit is a person who is extremely independent or uninhibited“Free Spirit”指的是那些特别独立或无拘无束的人

Which means that they do everything and really don’t care what the others think意味着他们不管做什么,他们一点都不在乎别人是怎么想的

Loryn Brantz chose to walk around New York on her 30th Birthday, looking like this:在Loryn Brantz三十岁生日的时候,她以这身打扮在纽约走街串巷

When Loryn was younger she had an eating disorder, trying to be thin.Loryn.But now her health is back to normal.更年轻一点的时候,她在减肥的过程中患上了饮食失调症,但她现在恢复健康了

But wasn’t she nervous, you know, wearing a bikini in a metropolis like New York.可她身穿比基尼在纽约这个大都市中到处晃荡,难道她不紧张么?

Yes… and that’s why she did it.To show people that she was confident, and to show people her progress, and to share her story with other women.是的...这正是她这样做的原因为了向人们展示她的自信、她的进步,并且和其他女性分享她的故事



Our final term today is pragmatic我们今天要学的最后一个单词是“pragmatic”(务实的)

which means dealing with things sensibly and realistically, basing thought on practical considerations.这个单词的意思是用理智和现实的方式去做事情,从实用性的角度进行考虑

an architecture graduate from the Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology decided that after… upon his graduation, he was going to build himself an office which would combine artistic beauty and pragmatism.有这么一名从内蒙古科技大学毕业的建筑师决定在毕业之后,要为自己建造一个集艺术美感和实用性于一体的办公室

He used 8,500 beer bottles to build a 2 storey office buildings,于是他使用了8,500个啤酒瓶建造了一幢二层的办公楼

where the top level is made of bottles and the lower level is made of mud and bricks.这个办公楼的顶层是由啤酒瓶搭建起来的,而底下那层则是由泥和砖砌成的

But I heard it took him 4 months to build and cost around 70,000 RMB,但我听说他花了四个月才建成了这座建筑物,花了大约70,000元

which sounds cheap, but there’s no electricity, no air conditioning.虽然听起来好像很便宜,但是里面没电,也没有空调

And an expert, an architectural expert said the building can’t actually take that much weight so it’s pretty dangerous.一名建筑方面的专家说,这个楼实际上无法承载太多的重量,所以这家伙其实给自己造了一座全新的“危房”

Uh, so basically we can’t live inside or do anything, so it’s not that pragmatic as he thought.这么说我们不能住在里面,也不能用它来做什么,所以一点都不实用。现实又一次击倒了梦想…


