

《老外看东西》是有道原创英文脱口秀,每期十分钟,带你涨姿势!明星走红毯,最美的那个不被记住,丑而奇葩的却大出风头,今天介绍的这位神级女星,把lady gaga都比下去了…



艾力 Ali




Stu:Our first term today is a little bit naughty.我们今天要学习的第一个词组有点“小淘气”

That's right. It's a game that young lovers play under the table with their feet. It's the game of footsy.没错,这是年轻情侣们喜欢在桌子底下用他们的脚丫子玩的小把戏,这就是“footsy”(蹭脚调情)

Ali:Yeah, that's when someone tries to show their affection to some others by gently rubbing their legs, or some other parts, with their foot.是的,当有人对别人有意思时,他们会用脚轻蹭他人腿部或其他部分,以此表示好感,这就是footsy

Sooo, Stuart what are you doing man? This is….司徒,你在搞什么鬼东东?我真...

Stu:Just playing a little game of footsy只是在用脚跟你调个小情咯

Ali:No, please don't, That sends the wrong message. Don't do it please. Ah…不要,你酱紫会让我误会的,放过我吧,亲

We'll do it when the cameras are off, right?那等节目录完我们再来搞这个?

Ali:Ohhh, Noooo.额滴神,不要!

Stu:I know. We will.成,我懂你!

Anyway this term “footsy” may soon have a new meaning thanks to the new craze of taking selfies- selfies with your feet.言归正传,在最近自拍热的潮流下,“footsy”这个单词或许很快就被赋予新的意义,因为这些自拍都是由脚丫子完成的!


Met gala

Stu:Our next term today is strutting your stuff. Which means, Ali?我们今天要学的下个词组是“strutting your stuff”(大显身手,大肆炫耀),这是神马意思啊,艾力?

Ali:When you show off your great clothes or great bodies in front of lots of people.指的是当你在一些人面前显摆你的衣服或身材的时候

Stu:Right. Now if you want to talk about a place where you would strut your stuff you would say a…没错,现在现在让你说一个你能够一显身手的地方,你会想到...

Ali:At a catwalk. You know, like the super models.T台走秀,你知道,就像那些超模一样

Red Carpet- that's the place most people will strut their stuff in front of the public and they look fantastic.


Stu:But sometimes some people strut their stuff on the red carpet and they end up looking like a fashion disaster.但是有些时候,一些走红地毯的人最后看起来却像 一场“时尚灾难”

We all know about the fashion disaster Rihanna who ended up wearing a yellow dress and she looked like a Jianbing or a pizza, or something yellow that you could eat.比较有名的“时尚灾难”就是蕾哈娜身着一身黄色走红地毯,看起来就好像一张“煎饼”或“披萨”,或者什么黄颜色的食物在走红毯一样

Ali:She looks bad but at least delicious. There has been worse. Lady Gaga who always manages to look ridiculous when she wear rubber gloves. She looks extra, extra ridiculous.她看起来好糟糕,但至少还能给人一种味觉享受。还有比这更糟糕的呢,Lady Gaga 总是能够成功用她那副胶皮手套让自己成为一名红毯奇葩,她那打扮简直荒唐到家了



Our final term today is airbrushing 我们今天要看的最后一个词组是“airbrushing”(喷枪;粉饰)

Ali:Well it's the term used to describe when photos have been made to look better. But Stuart I actually have no idea. Is that a tool?好滴,这个单词指的是对照片照片进行修饰,让其看起来更加靓丽,但是司徒,我其实有点不明白,这词说的是一种工具么?

Stu:Yeah it's a little tool. It's about this big and has some ink inside.是的,是一种小工具,大约介么大,然后里面还有墨水

Ali:Ah, so it's an actual tool. An actual tool. Alright. Well it's usually used to describe these modeling photos.哦,那它就是一种工具了,一件真正的工具。它现在通常用来形容这些被修饰过的造型照片

Ali:You know, those pretty women, they like their photos to look even prettier, so they use an airbrush to make them look thinner or their colors of their skin can change.你知道,那些漂亮美眉们通常都会希望照片中的她们看起来更加靓丽,所以她们会对照片进行一番粉饰,让自己看起来更瘦,或者改变自己的肤色等等


