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  • 网易外语


    云南昭通市鲁甸县发生6.5级地震,震源深度12千米。地震的强度(magnitude)一般按照里氏震级(Richter Scale)划分,它是将震级范围从1到10的一种对数标度,用以表现地震放出的能量总数,是根据美国地震学家Charles Francis Richter 命名的。

  • 网易外语


    云南昭通市鲁甸县地震已致百余人死亡,上千人受伤。地震之所以可怕,除了其来势迅猛,猝不及防外,还因为它 往往破坏力惊人。英语中,描述其破坏力的词,按由轻到重的次序大致有damage,destroy, devastate,shatter,level,flatten等等。

  • 网易外语


    截止4日早晨8时,云南昭通市鲁甸县已发生超过四百次余震。“余震”是“aftershock”,即“ 大地震之后在同一地区发生的一系列小震级的地震”。在日常生活中,aftershock还可表示“余悸”。

  • 网易外语


    国家减灾委、民政部已紧急启动国家Ⅲ级救灾应急响应,云南省委、省政府负责同志已率领工作组赶赴灾区,各 项抗震救灾工作正在抓紧进行。The national disaster emergency response system就是“国家灾难应急响应体系”,一级为最高,四级为最低。


  • 网易外语


    当地震发生时,如果在室内,停留在里面,消灭火灾,远离玻璃特别是大窗户(包括镜子等)。在会议室隅,或有好的支撑的内部方法是寻求避难的好地方。也许低地面或地下室可以提供最佳的生存机会。 When the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays in inside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially the big window (including mirror and so on). In the room quoin or has the good strut internal way is good seeking asylum place. Perhaps the low ground or the basement can provide the best survival opportunity.

  • 网易外语


    地震时如被埋压在废墟下,周围又是一片漆黑,只有极小的空间,你一定不要惊慌,要沉着,树立生存的信心,相信会有人来救你,要千方百计保护自己。If the earthquake buried in the ruins of pressure, but also the surrounding darkness, only a very small space, you must not panic, calm to establish the survival of the confidence of knowing that someone will rescue you, it is necessary to do everything possible to protect themselves.

  • 网易外语


    首先要保护呼吸畅通,挪开头部、胸部的杂物,闻到煤气、毒气时,用湿衣服等物捂住口、鼻;避开身体上方不结实的倒塌物和其它容易引起掉落的物体;扩大和稳定生存空间,用砖块、术棍等支撑残垣断壁,以防余震发生后,环境进一步恶化。first of all to protect the respiratory smooth, removed the head, chest of all sorts of things, smell gas, gas, wet clothes and other objects covered the mouth, nose; the top of the body to avoid the collapse of the weak - And other easily lead to falling objects; the expansion of living space and stability, with a brick, stick technique and so on Canyuanduanbi support in case of aftershocks occurred, further deterioration of the environment.

  • 网易外语


    如果找不到脱离险境的通道,尽量保存体力,用石块敲击能发出声响的物体,向外发出呼救信号,不要哭喊、急躁和盲目行动,这样会大量消耗精力和体力,尽可能控制自己的情绪或闭目休息,等待救援人员到来。如果受伤,要想法包扎,避免流血过多。If you can not find the channel out of the woods as far as possible to preserve physical and stones can be issued by the percussion sound of the object, sent out signals for help, do not cry, impatient and reckless action, it will consume a large number of energy and physical strength, as far as possible To control their emotions or turn a blind eye to rest and wait for the arrival of rescue workers. If the injury to the idea of dressing to prevent excessive bleeding.


  • 网易外语


    地震时您和家人可能会失散,所以,请在以下的空白处记下重要信息,以便失散后相互联系。记住,在大地震后的24小时内,如非紧急情况,请不要打电话 Your family may not be together when an earthquake strikes, so use the spaces below to record information that will help you communicate with one another. Remember, during the first 24 hours following a major earthquake; use your telephone only in case of an emergency. 。

  • 网易外语


    不要选择那些让你容易口渴的食品。选择无盐饼干、全麦麦片和富含流质的罐装食品。别忘了食品中应包括婴儿 和特殊饮食需要者的食品。Avoid foods that will make you thirsty. Choose salt-free crackers, whole grain cereals, and canned goods with high liquid content. Stock foods that do not require refrigeration, cooking, water, or special preparation.Remember to include foods for infants and special dietary needs.

  • 网易外语


    Flashlights and spare batteries.应急灯和备用电池Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake until you are certain that no gas leaks exist.不要在地震后使用火柴或蜡烛, 除 非你能确定没有瓦斯泄漏。Portable, battery-powered radio or television and spare batteries.便携式电池供电收音机或电视机以及备用电池,radios will be your best source of information. 收音机将会是你最好的信息来源。

  • 网易外语


    .除了准备一个管钳和一个可调扳手(用来关闭气阀和水管),你要有一个打火 机,一盒装在防水盒子里的火柴和一个用来呼叫援救人员的哨子。In addition to a pipe wrench and crescent wrench (for turning off gas and water valves), you should have a lighter, a supply of matches in a waterproof container, and a whistle for signaling rescue workers



earthquake 地震

shake 震动;摇晃


temblor [美语] 地震

hit 袭击、打击,使遭受

strike 突然发生;打击

jolt 使颠簸,摇晃

roll across 波动,起伏,横摇

rip through 裂开,破开

seismograph 地震仪

death toll 死亡人数

wreckage 残骸
