




艾力 Ali




So our first term today is Navel. Do you know what that means?我们今天要学的第一个词是“Navel”(肚脐),知道这词啥意思吗?

The human belly button.人类的肚脐眼

We are talking about this because我们之所以谈论这个单词是因为

recently a trend broke out revolving around this very strange yoga pose online.最近这个非常奇怪的瑜伽姿势在网上刮起了一股“肚脐风”

Alright so this thing online that everyone is doing is a test…说到这个席卷网络的姿势呢,它其实是人们在进行的一个测试…

And someone just online said the way to tell if you’re thin or not有人在网上说,检测你是个瘦子还是胖子的方法

is to see if you can put your arm behind your back and around and touch your navel就是看你是否能够把手臂从背后绕过来并触摸到你的肚脐眼

Whatever. Anyway it’s been proven that this is all nonsense啦啦啦!不管怎么说,这种证明方法实属无稽之谈

because you’ve got more chance of dislocating your shoulder.因为你这样做反而会让你的胳膊面临脱臼的风险

You know… “pop”, instead of proving that you’re actually thin.Duang一下就“搞残”自己了,你的“证明行动”就此终止了…



Now that’s a shared enthusiasm for something but that enthusiasm is often short-lived.这个词的意思是说,大家共同对某件事物产生了热情,但这种热情通常很难维持很久

Yeah, in other words, people will like or do something for a very short time and then forget about it.是的,换句话说,人们会在短时间内喜欢或者热衷于从事某件事情,但很快就会将其抛之脑后

I know of another method, another fad that people are using to measure whether they are thin or not我还知道另外一种用来衡量胖瘦的时尚方法,这也算个“一时的狂热”

Coin balancing就是“堆钢镚儿”

According to traditional Chinese medicine, one’s slimness is determined by how visible your collarbone is根据传统中医说法,一个人的胖瘦程度是由你锁骨的可见程度来决定的

So, if your collar bone is visible, you're very slim.But now Chinese netizens have come up with a way to quantify how slim you are.所以脑洞大开的中国网民们以此想出了一个用来测量他们胖瘦的方法

They put money on their collarbone and the more money you can put there, the slimmer you are.他们把钱放到锁骨上,放的钱越多,就说明你越瘦

Or it’s just another way for young guys and young girls to show off their bodies. Which is fine. We like it, right?可能这只是另一种年轻男女用来炫耀他们身材的方式而已



Our final term today is chancer.我们今天要学的最后一个单词是“chancer”(投机取巧为目标付出一切的人)

A chancer is someone who exploits every opportunity to further their own ends.“chancer”指的是那些利用一切机会达到自己目标的人

For example, if you were rich and enjoyed being famous, but your fame started to die away比如说,如果你很富有,而且你很喜欢那种万人瞩目的赶脚,但是你的名声开始慢慢消退

you’d have to come up with a method to try and get your name back into the headlines- back into the media.所以你得想个办法让你的大名重新夺回头版头条的位置,回到媒体的视线中

Thus if you achieve this, you’d be considered a chancer.如果你达到了目的,你就是一个“chancer”啦


