21 days, 4 countries, 18 cities, 19 higher education institutions, 4 secondary schools, over 1,200 miles driven, over 100 wake up calls, countless number of selfies, and now we have arrived at the end of our journey.
网易教育频道专稿2014-10-20 14:36:49
伦敦中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院学校主楼,最震撼的就是他的宽敞并极富设计感的室内街道教学楼和各色潮人学生。英国穿越主持人Q姐黄清在校园内采访了就读visual communication专业的大三学生沈皓南。
网易教育频道专稿2014-10-20 14:33:55
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网易教育频道专稿2014-10-20 14:11:21
作为对伦敦短暂的拜访,我们只能从经典中挑经典。在艰难的取舍之后我们最终决定前往女王陛下剧场(Her Majesty’s Theatre)观看我期待已久的歌剧魅影(The Phantom of the Opera)。
网易教育频道专稿2014-10-20 14:09:44
网易教育频道专稿2014-10-20 14:07:36
London School of Economics and Political Science,简称LSE,中文名伦敦政治经济学院。位于伦敦市中心英国伦敦皇家法院(Royal Courts of Justice)旁,界于伦敦西区与伦敦金融城之间,而我们今天采访的对象就是来自LSE的学联副主席--顾时佳同学。
网易教育频道专稿2014-10-20 11:59:12
网易教育频道专稿2014-10-20 11:57:12
Steeped in traditions, the Oxford Union buildings date back around the 1880s and houses a bar, dining hall (former debate chamber), snooker room, library, and an immense and traditional debate chamber (one of three in the UK).
网易教育频道专稿2014-10-20 11:55:19
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网易教育频道专稿2014-10-20 11:44:09